School Counseling

Daniels Run School Counseling Program

The school counseling program addresses the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students and prepares them to be responsible citizens and life long learners.  This program is implemented in collaboration with teachers and parents, through individual and group student counseling, parent and teacher consultation, and classroom lessons to promote positive student adjustment, and to assist in maximizing each student’s potential.

Meet the Daniels Run Student Support Team

Emily Carleton - School Social Worker, [email protected]  

Ashleigh Fisher - School Counselor, Grades K-2 and EA, [email protected] 

Sarah Forgione - Behavior Specialist - @email 

Destini Juarez - School Security - @email 





Emergency Resources

NameContact InformationWebsite/Other Notes
Mental Health 24-Hour Emergency ServicesP:  703-573-5679 
CrisisLink Suicide Hotline

P:  703-527-4077 OR

CR2 (Children’s Regional Crisis Response)P:  844-N-CRISIS  (844-627-4747)
Community Services Board Mobile Crisis UnitP:  703-560-02248am to midnight, daily
Merrifield Center-- Fairfax-Falls CHurch Community Services Board

P:  703-383-8500

F:  703-280-9518

8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive

Fairfax, VA 22031
Crisis Text85511Text “NEED HELP” 
INOVA Fairfax Hospital--they have a separate pediatric ER

P:  703-776-4001

3300 Gallows Road

Falls Church, VA 22042

Community Organizations & Government Resources

If you have a specific area where you or a family member needs support, consider the resources available from following organizations:


Name of OrganizationAreas of supportWebsite Link
Autism Society of NOVAResources for individuals with Autism
Educational ConnectionsExecutive Functioning coaching
FCPS Parent Resource CenterAcademic support and parenting resources

Heartland Hospice

Serving Northern Virginia

Family support for illness and bereavement
It Gets BetterLGBTQ+ resources, including link to the Trevor Project emergency support resources
NAMIMental health resources


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Substance Abuse and Mental Health resources

The Women’s Center 

In Vienna, VA

Domestic violence, sexual assault, and other family support services
Additional Resources through Healthy Minds Fairfax


Disclaimer: All resources offered by organizations other than FCPS are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or Daniels Run ES.

Community Counseling Resources

NamePhoneWebsiteSpecialty Areas
Fairfax Community Professionals(Online Network) website has a searchable database to locate counselors with different specialties, languages and insurance information
Psychology TodayWebsite Today provides information on mental health, psychology, and well-being. It offers articles, resources, and a directory of mental health professionals to help individuals better understand and navigate their mental health journey.
Child and Family Counseling Group703-352-3822www.childandfamilycounseling.comFamily and adolescent counseling 
Clinical Psychological Services703-691-1326clinicalpsychologyservices.comAll ages; Individual, Group, Couples, Family Therapy, Behavior, Neuropsych Assessment, Short-Term Problem Solving
Counseling and Assessment Practice of Fairfax571-354-0844https://www.capfairfax.comPsychoeducational testing, counseling and consultation services to children, adolescents, young adults and families
Crossroads Family Counseling Center703-380-9045crossroadsfamilycounselingcenter.comPlay Therapy, Parenting Consultation, Social Skills
GMU Center for Psychological Services703-993-1370, Therapy
In Step703-876-8480www.insteppc.comChild and Adolescent Group Therapy, Social Skills
Jewish Social Service Agency703-204-9100www.jssa.orgMultiple Services- Individual, Group, Family Counseling, Parent and Teacher Support/ Education
Kellar Skills, Behavior Evaluation, Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, Partial Hospitalization Program, Groups
NOVA Family Services571-748-2500 and Adolescents

School Counseling Vision, Mission, and Beliefs

Counseling Program Mission Statement

As school counselors, we uphold the Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs of Daniels Run Elementary School. In addition, we have the following mission in our role as school counselors:

  • Help students develop emotional awareness and learn strategies they can use to regulate their emotions.
  • Teach students how to make and maintain positive relationships with classmates and teachers and resolve conflicts in a peaceful, constructive way.
  • Promote a school-wide culture focused on showing kindness and empathy to one another and to the greater Fairfax community through acts of service.
  • Develop students’ awareness of a wide range of career and post-secondary learning options to consider and encourage them to cultivate an awareness of their own interests, skills, and priorities.
  • Help students access the learning environment by equipping them with study skills and executive function skills.


School Counselors

FCPS K-12 school counseling programs strive to empower students to become independent and productive individuals through a developmentally age-appropriate program providing academic, social, emotional, and college and career counseling services. The belief that all students can achieve academic success is a touchstone of the program.

All students in FCPS have the opportunity to work with a state-certified school counselor. School counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, group, or individual counseling.


School Psychology and Social Work

School Psychology Services

School psychologists are mental health specialists with knowledge of child development, the psychology of learning, behavior management and intervention, monitoring the progress of students, and program evaluation. School psychologists apply this knowledge using a problem-solving approach to help bring about positive changes in the learning environment, attitude, and motivation. Services offered by the school psychologist may be provided directly to the student or indirectly by working with teachers, parents, and other care givers; however, all services provided by the school psychologist are intended to enhance the academic and social emotional success of students. Minimum requirements to be a school psychologist include a 60-hour master's degree program and a one-year full-time internship; many FCPS school psychologists hold doctoral degrees.


Social Work and Support Services

School social workers focus on family and community factors that influence learning. They provide intensive services for students facing issues that pose risks to their academic success such as parent divorce and separation, poverty, truancy, chronic illness, mental health problems, conduct problems, child abuse, etc.

All FCPS social workers hold a Master of Social Work (MSW) or Master of Social Science (MSS) degree; many have earned a Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) degree. All school social workers are licensed by the Virginia Department of Education. The majority of the staff is clinically licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Social Work (LCSW) or in other jurisdictions and trained to provide mental health services in any setting.

The Daniels Run Wellness Team