
Elementary School Curriculum

FCPS elementary school academics consists of programs of study for students in kindergarten through grade 6.

FCPS Grading and Reporting

The elementary Family Life Education (FLE) program is taught by the regular classroom teacher. The early elementary program emphasizes the importance of families, the distinction between good and bad touch, sources of help, and the importance of friendships. Human sexuality is first introduced in grade four. In the Human Growth and Development unit, students learn about the male and female reproductive systems.

Students view age-appropriate videos and learn the maturational process, changes which occur during puberty, and prenatal development. Students study the effects of peer pressure and begin to examine the influence of media on behavior and attitudes. Students begin an understanding of sexually transmitted infections in grade 5. The emotional and social health unit includes abuse prevention from good touch/bad touch in primary grades to types of abuse in upper elementary grades. Instruction for abuse prevention includes resources for help. 

Health and Physical Education

Virginia requires all students to receive health and physical education instruction at all instructional levels in grades K-10.

Course content for health and physical education, including family life education and driver education, is identified in Virginia Board of Education regulations and in the Virginia health and physical educations requirements for high school graduation for both the 21- and 23-credit diploma. Students with disabilities have access to adapted physical education programs.

The health and physical education program is designed to teach students the skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential to live a healthy lifestyle and select healthy and safe behaviors.